Due to a planned intervention on the underlying database, the website will be unavailable on Thursday, March 20th, from 12:00 to 12:30 CET.

CERN Accelerating science

Bulletin Announcements

Bike to work safely (follow-up)
Au travail à vélo en toute sécurité (suite)
/ Simon Baird, HSE Unit Head
Following a recent article about safe cycling (see here), the Bulletin received a request for more details on the type of accidents that are reported.   An analysis of the 38 accidents involving bicycles reported this year up to the end of August reveals that the most common single cause of accidents is slippery surfaces: ice, snow, water and gravel, so the message here is to take extra care, particularly when cycling in bad weather [...]
BUL-AN-2016-064.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2016 41/2016 42/2016 43/2016 Fulltext: Bike PPE en_image - JPG; Bike PPE fr_image - JPG;

CERN Accelerator School - Beam injection, extraction and transfer /
Registration is now open for the CERN Accelerator School’s specialised course to be held in Erice, Italy, from 10 to 19 March, 2017.   The course will be of interest to staff and students in accelerator laboratories, university departments and companies manufacturing accelerator who wish to learn about accelerator science and technology [...]
BUL-AN-2016-063.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2016 41/2016 42/2016 43/2016 44/2016 45/2016 46/2016 47/2016

2017 European School of Instrumentation in Particle and Astroparticle Physics (ESIPAP) - Registrations /
The registrations for the 2017 session of the European School of Instrumentation in Particle and Astroparticle Physics (ESIPAP) are now open.   Applications are welcome from staff, fellows and post-graduate students wishing to further their knowledge in the field [...]
BUL-AN-2016-062.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2016 41/2016 Fulltext: JPG;

2017 Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS) - Registrations /
The registrations for the 2017 session of the Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS) are now open.   Applications are welcome from staff, fellows and post-graduate students wishing to further their knowledge in the field [...]
BUL-AN-2016-061.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2016 41/2016 Fulltext: JPG;

Exceptional closure of the Medical Service on 11 October
Fermeture exceptionnelle du Service médical le 11 octobre
/ CERN Medical Service
Please note that the Medical Service (infirmary, doctors, psychologist and secretariat) will be closed all day on Tuesday, 11 October 2016.   In the event of a medical emergency, please call 74444 (Fire Brigade). [...]
BUL-AN-2016-060.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2016 41/2016

Heating being put into service
Démarrage du chauffage
The SMB-SE group would like to inform you that, the central heating will start this year, on Monday 3 October 2016, and will be progressively and depending on the weather forecast put into service throughout. All buildings will have heating within the following few days [...]
BUL-AN-2016-059.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2016 41/2016

Working safely with electronics racks
Travailler en toute sécurité avec les baies électroniques
/ Simon Baird, HSE Unit Head
Think of CERN and you’ll probably think of particle accelerators and detectors. These are the tools of the trade in particle physics, but behind them are the racks of electronics that include power supplies, control systems and data acquisition networks. [...]
BUL-AN-2016-058.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2016 41/2016 42/2016 43/2016 Fulltext: JPG;

IT User Community Survey
Enquête sur les utilisateurs des ressources informatiques
/ Peter Jones (IT-CDA-WF)
IT-CDA is gathering information to more accurately form a snapshot of the CERN IT user community and we would appreciate you taking time to complete the following survey.   We want to use this survey to better understand how the user community uses their devices and our services, and how the delivery of those services could be improved. [...]
BUL-AN-2016-057.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2016 41/2016 42/2016 43/2016 44/2016 45/2016

Modifications sur l'autoroute A1 - secteur Genève Aéroport /
BUL-AN-2016-056.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 38/2016 39/2016 40/2016 41/2016 42/2016 43/2016 Fulltext: FlyerA5-Acces_aeroport_1_image - JPG; FlyerA5-Acces_aeroport_image - JPG; FlyerA5-Acces_aeroport-OK-1_image - JPG; FlyerA5-Acces_aeroport-OK-2_image - JPG; Plans_V04_image - JPG;

Don't miss the 2016 CERN Road Race
Ne manquez pas l'édition 2016 de la course pédestre du CERN
/ Klaus Hanke for the CERN Running Club
The 2016 edition of the annual CERN Road Race will be held on Wednesday 28 September at 18:15.   The 5.5 km race takes place over 3 laps of a 1.8 km circuit in the West Area of the Meyrin site and is open to everyone working at CERN and their families. [...]
BUL-AN-2016-055.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 38/2016 39/2016
