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CERN Accelerating science

ST Preprints

Ostatnio dodane:
Thermal analysis of the ambient air around a particle detector / Gasser, D
The ATLAS particle detector will be in operation at CERN in a few years. [...]
- 2003. - 27 p.
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Rekord szczegółowy
Temperature distribution in an ECAL electronic box / Vila-Nova-Goncalves, L
In the design of the ECAL Cooling System a particular interest is represented by the temperature distribution in an electronic box. [...]
- 2001. - 12 p.
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Accessing Thermodynamic Fluid Properties in LabVIEW / Grohmann, S
LabVIEW users that are experimenting with fluid circuits and want to have an online evaluation of measuring data need to import thermodynamic properties of the working fluid. [...]
- 2001. - 7 p.
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Study of the ventilation at ATLAS cavern UX15 : air velocity and temperature around the muon chambers / Vigo-Castellví, E
The Muon Chambers of ATLAS detector cannot work under temperature differences between two opposed faces above 3 K. [...]
CERN-ST-2000-063 ; CERN-ST-CV-2000-145-EVC.
- 2000. - 16 p.
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Thermal Behaviour of the Preshower Galvanic Feedthrough / Peón-Hernández, G
The active components of the read-out planes in the CMS Preshower work at a temperature of about -10oC. [...]
CERN-ST-2000-062 ; CERN-ST-CV-2000-404.
- 2000. - 9 p.
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Thermal transient analysis of TI8 tunnel / Pimenta dos Santos, M A
The TI8 tunnel will house a proton beam transfer line of 450 GeV from the SPS to the LHC collider. [...]
CERN-ST-2000-061 ; CERN-ST-CV-2000-277.
- 2000. - 17 p.
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Thermal analysis of one LHC tunnel octant / Pimenta dos Santos, M A
Some of the electronic equipment to be installed in the rack space under the future LHC dipoles and quadripoles is expected to dissipate considerable heat, putting at risk the integrity of the equipment itself and causing thermal strains on the QRL (cryogenic distribution line) and cryostat vacuum vessels. [...]
CERN-ST-2000-060 ; CERN-ST-CV-2000-230.
- 2000. - 20 p.
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Rekord szczegółowy
Guide pour l'établissement des plans de prévention et de sécurité des entreprises extérieures : Travaux et prestations de catégorie 2 / Jacot, C ; Danesin, M ; Pividori, C ; Prouteau, O ; Symons, L J
Ce document a été élaboré par un groupe de travail ST/DI et TIS/GS en collaboration avec un préventeur / consultant de l'APAVE. [...]
- 2000. - 28 p.
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Rekord szczegółowy
Mechanical analysis and optimisation of large and highly-loaded bearing rollers For the "Riesenrad" Ion Gantry / Reimoser, S A ; Krasinski, M
A carbon ion gantry would allow the irradiation of cancer patients with carbon ions from any direction in space best suited for therapy. [...]
CERN-ST-2000-059 ; EST-ESI-2000-007.
- 2000. - 14 p.
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Temperature Distribution in an Electronic Box of the ECAL Sub-detector / Nüble, G ; Peón-Hernández, G
It is of particular interest for the design of the ECAL cooling system to know the temperature and heat flux distribution in an electronic box. [...]
- 1999. - 13 p.
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