2016-07-14 13:15 |
ANSYS modeling of thermal contraction of SPL HOM couplers during cool-down
/ Papke, K (CERN)
During the cool-down the HOM coupler as well as the cavity inside the cryo module experience a thermal contraction. For most materials between room temperature and liquid helium temperatures, the changes in dimension are in the order of a few tenths of a percent change in volume. [...]
sLHC-Project-Note-0044; CERN-sLHC-Project-Note-0044.-
Geneva : CERN, 2016
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Notice détaillée
2015-01-08 16:18 |
Drift Tube Linac Conditioning of Tank1
/ Shafqat, N (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission) ; Ramberger, S (-) ; Toor, W A (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission)
Tank1 of the Drift Tube Linac (DTL) of the Linac4 has been conditioned at the Linac4 tunnel. The tank was tuned for resonance at 352.2 MHz, and stable operation has been achieved with 725 µs long RF pulses at a repetition rate of 1 Hz [...]
sLHC-Project-Note-0043; CERN-sLHC-Project-Note-0043.-
Geneva : CERN, 2014 - 6 p.
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Notice détaillée
2013-12-19 10:30 |
Notice détaillée
2012-11-20 13:56 |
Notice détaillée
2012-09-18 13:31 |
Various approaches to electromagnetic field simulations for RF cavities
/ Liu, C (Technische Universität Darmstadt) ; Müller, W F O (Technische Universität Darmstadt) ; Ackermann, W (Technische Universität Darmstadt) ; Weiland, T (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
In the Superconducting Proton Linac (SPL) cavity, it is very important to calculate the eigenmodes precisely, because many higher order modes (HOMs) can lead to particle beam instabilities. We used and compared three different ways to calculate the eigenmodes in the SPL cavity: field simulation with hexahedron mesh in time domain, field simulation with hexahedron mesh in frequency domain and field simulation with tetrahedral mesh and higher order curvilinear elements [...]
sLHC-Project-Note-0040; CERN-sLHC-Project-Note-0040.-
Geneva : CERN, 2012
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Notice détaillée
2012-05-11 14:39 |
Notice détaillée
2012-04-17 11:37 |
SPL Transfer Line
/ Posocco, P A ; Eshraqi, M (ESS Lund) ; Lombardi, A
The study of the longitudinal properties of the beam accelerated by SPL at the injection of the following accelerator is very important to optimize its performance. Therefore we connected the latest version of SPL (5 GeV) to the PS2 with a transfer line previously designed by the TE/ABT-BTP Section making it an example of how to transport the SPL beam out of the very densely built Meyrin site to a place where a following accelerator can be realized..
sLHC-Project-Note-0038; CERN-sLHC-Project-Note-0038.-
Geneva : CERN, 2012
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Notice détaillée
2012-03-14 13:24 |
Notice détaillée
2011-09-28 16:21 |
Slim elliptical cavity at 800 MHz for local crab crossing
/ Ficcadenti, L ; Tuckmantel, J
A slim highly eccentric elliptical Crab cavity with vertical deflection at 800 MHz, compatible to beam line distances everywhere in the LHC ring, was designed. It is a good fall-back solution in case of problems with new compact 400 MHz designs. [...]
sLHC-Project-Note-0036; CERN-sLHC-Project-Note-0036.-
Geneva : CERN, 2011
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Notice détaillée
2011-07-14 10:36 |
Notice détaillée